This July I graduated from Part 1 in Architecture and I am
well aware that times are tough, see (Tough Times for Architecture Students).
Even with a decent mark from a respected architecture school I have had little
luck with getting responses from the many CVs I have sent out let along
To combat the architectural stalemate I have found myself in
I joined
ArchiGRAD. ArchiGRAD is a scheme run by the two universities in
Newcastle, Northern Architecture and plus three architects.
Everyone who is part of the scheme is an underemployed
architecture student at some level. ArchiGRAD uses this pool of unutilised
architectural knowledge to run various projects in the local area. As part of
the ArchiGRAD rules they do not take paid projects which would take work from
regular practices. They also don’t charge fees and none of the GRADs get paid
for their work, so have to hold down part-time jobs as well.